The most likeable
Light DAM in town
Say hello to our simple DAM system for smaller businesses.

Gather your visuals
in one place
Get a clear overview of your images and make sure everything is indexed, organized, and up to date.

Share company
images in seconds
Distribute image collections to the relevant channels including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Google Docs, and Slides.

Source stock to
expand your library
Need new content? Explore our Pickit Stock library of over a million photos and themed image collections.
Manage marketing
assets the easy way
Store and sort your valuable company visuals in one central platform for a clear overview and better control. Perfect for logos, staff photos, product shots, icons, audio, and video files.

Promote content with featured collections
Gather and distribute assets in themed collections for better browsing and visibility. Spotlight featured content and promote new material to boost usage.
Publish tips, tricks, and best practices
Help your employees level up with relevant tools and training to improve their public speaking, presentation design, and more.

Access a million images
from our built-in library
Get unlimited access to over a million licensed assets from our library of photos, icons, and illustrations. Browse our editors’ professionally curated collections to find the right content faster.
See how Pickit can
help your business
product specialists today.